Message from the Director (I/c), CIMP

" Welcome to Chandragupt Institute of Management Patna "
The fast changing international business environment brings in the need for a new generation of qualified and skilled management professionals. Chandragupt Institute of Management Patna (CIMP) is emerging as a pioneer in creating and moulding a new generation of young management professionals. CIMP has shown this within the first five years of its existence, in India and abroad.
The first batch of its Post Graduate Diploma in Management commenced in July, 2008. During the short period of its existence CIMP has achieved many commendable milestones through its state of the art research in various fields of management and high quality management development programs. It could draw its internal and visiting faculty from both industry and academia. It could achieve 100 percent placements for its first three batches of students. It has built a world class library with the help of Indian Institute of Management Ahmadabad and draws teaching material from Harvard Business Publishing, an independent unit of Harvard Business School.
It is indeed a matter of great pride and honor to be a part of the team of CIMP. We expect that CIMP would continue to forge ahead in its achievements in future too.
Welcome to Chandragupt Institute of Management Patna.
Prof. (Dr.) Rana Singh
Director (I/c), Professor and Dean Academics
PhD, MBA (Gold Medalist)
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