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Grievance Redressal
Chandragupt Institute of Management Patna
Students Grievance Redressal Committee
Rules & Regulations

Chandragupt Institute of Management Patna has constituted a Students Grievance Redressal Committee for addressing and effectively resolving grievances of its students, following the norms set by UGC (Grievance Redressal) Regulations, 2012.

Student Grievances may relate to both academic and non-academic matters. The grievances may include issues related to provision of amenities as promised, non-transparent/ unfair evaluation in examination, harassment or victimization of student by fellow students or teachers, attendance issues, charging fees in excess of what is specified during admissions, conducting of examinations etc.

A student may register his/ her grievance online using the link or through e-mail or to any of the Committee members personally in writing.

The Committee will properly verify the genuineness of the grievance or problems reported by the student and will try to redress the grievance within a reasonable time, preferably within a week of receipt from application from the student. The Committee will co-ordinate with the concerned person/ department against whom/ which the grievance has been lodged to solve the issue in a fair and impartial manner.

The Director of the Institute, after verifying the facts and the papers concerned and after discussion with the Committee members, will place the matter before the Institute level committee which shall either endorse the decision of the Programme level committee or shall pass appropriate order in the best possible manner within a reasonable time, preferably within a fortnight of receipt of application.

Members of the Committee:
  • Dean-Academics, Coordinator, e-mail:; Mobile No: 8800049885
  • Prof. Vibhash Kumar, Member, email:, Mobile No: 7045951104
  • Prof. (Dr.) Mamta Singh, Member, email:, Mobile No: 9335231647
  • Prof. (Dr.) Rishi Kant Kumar, Member, email:, Mobile No: 8920303554
Grievance Form