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These Rules shall be called Chandragupt Institute of Management "Library Resource Center (LRC) RULES & REGULATIONS". These LIRC Rules & Regulations are applicable to all full time/regular student enrolled with Chandragupt Institute of Management; all teaching and non teaching staff of institute.


To become a knowledge centre with rich information sources for empowering CIMP’s research and learning community with excellent services, innovative practices and best of the resources.


The main mission of LRC is to support the teaching, learning and research activities of CIMP and help CIMP to achieve the global heights.

Membership of the LRC

  1. The Library and Resource Center of Chandragupt Institute of Management is primarily established for the use of full time/regular students and all teaching and non-teaching staff members of institute.
  2. Research Scholars, Ex-students and others desirous of using CIMP LRC may also be allowed to use LRC for certain period as “VISITIOR” with due permission of Coordinator, Library committee/Senior Administrative Officer/Director.

Admission to the LRC

  1. The privilege of using the library and any of its facilities including borrowing of publications for home study shall be extended to members only.
  2. Every member will be given a bar-coded library card as may be specified for his / her category of membership.
  3. Library Card is meant strictly for the Personal use of only members and is "NOT TRANSFERABLE" under all circumstances. No publication of any kind whatsoever shall be lent to any other person other than the Valid Holder of the Library Card.
  4. To check the unauthorized entry of outsiders in the Library, the members are required to keep their Identity Cards with them whenever they visit the Library. The Library staff is authorized to deny permission to enter the Library to any member who is not in possession of his/ her Identity Card.

The number of books which may be lent to for each category of members :-

  1. The Librarian has the right to recall any book from any member at any time, if so required.
  2. Books will be loaned to students for a maximum period of 14 days and renewable online for a maximum of three 14 days periods only, provided no other reader has reserved the same in the intervening period. A member can reserve a book which is available in the Library by filling a prescribed form available at the counter.
  3. Members should fully satisfy themselves about the physical condition of books before getting them issued as they will be held responsible for any damage or mutilation noticed at the time of returning the books.
  4. In case books are not returned within a month of the date of issue, the Librarian reserves the absolute right to suspend the member from further use of the Library and its facilities till such time the book(s) or the cost(s) thereof, including fine, if any is paid.

Loss of Library ID Card

  1. The loss of Library cards should be reported in writing immediately to the Librarian. No verbal communication in this regard will be entertained. To enable a member losing his/her Library Card(s), to continue his/her membership, duplicate card(s) will be issued on payment of Rs.200/- within twenty four days of receipt of complaint.
  2. Borrowers shall be responsible for any loss which the Library may suffer through the loss or misuse of their cards. Any person using cards declared "lost" will be fined a sum of Rs.1500 which will not be waived off under any circumstances. In addition, he/she will invite strict disciplinary action which may include suspension from the Institute.

Loss of Books

  1. In case of loss of a book(s), the borrower shall be required to pay the cost of the book including Overdue Charges (if any),
  2. If the book of a series is damaged or lost, the member concerned shall be liable to replace the whole set or pay the cost of the complete set including overdue charges and penalty if any imposed.

Short Term Loan Privileges: Reference Books & Bound Journals

  1. The following categories of material are generally not issued: Reference Books, Current issue of periodicals and such material as may be specified by the Librarian.
  2. In special circumstances, the Director/Coordinator- Library committee may permit certain books to be borrowed from the REFERENCE COLLECTION for a limited period. The decision of the Director in such cases shall be final.

Code of Conduct for Library

  1. Students must enter his/her name, and put his/her signature legibly in the register kept at the entrance at the time of entry & exit as a token of his/her acceptance to abide by the rules of the Library.
  2. Members are required to deposit their bags/belongings at the entrance. 
  3. Library books except for return are not permitted to be brought inside the Library. However, laptop/ personal books after getting proper receipt from the Security Desk may be permitted inside the Library.
  4. The members of the Library have the privilege of direct access to the shelves in the stack room and also have the freedom to browse the books during Library hours. Once the books are taken out of the shelf, they are not to be re-shelved. They may be kept on the tables
  5. Members shall maintain silence and not engage in audible conversation in any part of the Library.
  6. A person shall not sleep, smoke or spit in any part of the Library.
  7. A person shall not write upon, damage, mutilate or mark any book belonging to the Library.
  8. Consumption of food, alcoholic beverages and intoxicants of any nature whatsoever is strictly prohibited in the Library.
  9. Carrying of fire arms or any other weapon of assault including the use of cellular phones and any other electronic/ battery operated gadget (other than Laptops) in the Library is strictly prohibited.
  10. All members and their personal belongings including Library books issued to them are subject to a search/check by the Library staff at the Library entrance.
  11. No personal book or belonging shall be allowed to be taken inside the Library without the permission of the Librarian.
  12. Any infringement of the Library Rules will render the privilege of admission and of borrowing books from the Library liable to cancellation.
  13. Never leave personal belongings or Library laptops unattended. The Library is not responsible for lost or stolen personal belongings.
  14. The Director reserve the right to suspend the membership privilege of any member found misbehaving with the Library staff or for indecent behavior.
  15. If any student  found not following the code and conduct of library, strict disciplinary action will be taken against him along with penalty of Rs. 500/-.
  16. Any student who leaves the Institute shall return the Identity card and pay overdue charges, if any, to get the ‘NO DUES’ certificate from the Librarian.

Mutilation and Stealing Of Books

The member/s caught in tearing pages/stealing and or mutilating books will invite strict disciplinary action including payment of the cost of such books(s) and penalty if any. She/he shall also be liable for suspension from the Institute.

These rules are approved by Library committee. Any changes in rules may be subject to approval of the library committee.

Deepak Ranjan Ray

Professional Assistant (Library)