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The institute has initiated Centres of Research focusing on topics of contemporary relevance like

Centre for Public Policy

The Centre for Public Policy (CPP) at Chandragupt Institute of Management Patna (CIMP) is established concomitant with the mission of CIMP ‘to establish centres of research’ to evolve as an avant-garde public policy think-tank; engaged in policy research, analysis, debate, capacity building and consulting; catalysing fast-tracked, inclusive, and sustainable societal development.

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Centre for Innovation Management

The main purpose of this centre is to understand the framework of innovation management in different social processes. The centre’s endeavour is to transform CIMP into a hub for generation and dissemination of knowledge and ideas on innovation management. In this process the centre facilitates collaborations in the field of innovation, organises training programmes and promotes commercialisation of innovative ideas and practices.

Centre for Business Sustainability

The centre aims to facilitate and foster concepts of sustainable management in operations of businesses by developing and disseminating knowledge to serve as a catalyst to bring together researchers, students, and leaders in industry and civil society, in order to build capacity for progressive management practice.

Centre for Micro-Enterprises Management and Capacity Building

This centre was established with a focus on training and research related to Micro-Enterprises in India, with a special emphasis on Bihar. The Centre undertakes research, focused on growth success factors in micro-enterprises in Bihar. This centre collaborates with Government departments and development banks to achieve its objectives.

Centre for Social Entrepreneurship

Social Entrepreneurship is a new area with little research initiated in India. The Centre aims to undertake research on inception, growth and related issues on Social Entrepreneurship. A major attempt in this regard is to promote efforts of individuals, and organizations towards establishing sustainable organizations. The Centre actively works towards promotion of women entrepreneurs, incubation, training and mentoring of enterprises.

Centre for Appropriate Technology Management

The centre helps disadvantaged rural communities find better ways to do things that will improve their quality of life. The Centre works at national level with special focus on Bihar. Appropriate technologies are technologies that are simple to apply, uses local resources and labour and nurture the environment. The Centre promotes development, diffusion, and transfer of such technologies and processes that are appropriate to the resources with special focus on needs of low-income communities in the state.

Centre for Corporate Social Responsibilities Study

This centre engages in consultancy and research on CSR. The centre attempts to understand the emerging new roles of state, civil societies, NGOs and other stakeholders in the design and implementation of CSR activities. The centre conducts research and organises training programs for the stakeholders in CSR. The centre also works as a think tank for government and public/private sector organizations by advising them on CSR policy and frameworks.

Education Research Centre

The health of a nation depends on the strength of its education system. Therefore, primary and secondary education is pivotal to building a strong edifice of education in any country. The success of tertiary education and skill development initiatives also depends on the quality of primary and secondary education. The Educational Research Centre (ERC) aims to take a holistic approach towards improving the quality of primary education in India through research, consultancy and training. The Centre seeks to achieve its mission by examining the role of education in human development also.

Global Awareness Cell

This centre works on global awareness related research in the field of global business growth and diversification. After globalisation, the global consequences of market change and its business imperatives are not sufficiently researched. The centre facilitates research by students as well as faculty members in frontier areas on business growth and its implications for corporates.

International Centre for Tourism and Hospitality Research

The International Centre for Tourism and Hospitality Research (ICTHR) at Chandragupt Institute of Management Patna was founded in 2021 with a focus on teaching and research related to Tourism and Hospitality in the global world. The Centre would undertake research focused on inception, growth, issues, and impediments to Tourism and Hospitality and would promote efforts of individuals, and organizations towards establishing sustainable Tourism and Hospitality.