

Circulation service is the main service of CIMP LRC. Students can borrow five books from library for 14 days. Circulation facility is fully automated through RFID system.

Reference Service

CIMP LRC is providing users the reference service. LRC helps users to find the required information within  and outside the library through resource sharing.

Information Alerts

Sending information alerts to users is the most popular activity of LRC among users. Users are regularly keeping updated with latest alerts on business and corporate news, new arrivals, various open access content and MOOCs etc.

Reprography Section

LRC has a dedicated reprography section which helps users to get the photocopy, print outs and scanner facility. 

Multimedia Facilities

LRC has dedicated five computers with printer, scanner and internet facility for providing users the all multimedia facilities at one place.

Discussion Rooms

LRC has made two separate discussion rooms within the library for providing discussion space to students.

CIMP Digital Library

LRC has developed the digital library software of CIMP using DSpace digital library software.

Please click below to access the digital library.

Newspaper Clippings

CIMP LRC is also providing users the newspaper clipping service.